I found a comment system called staticman for Hugo site at https://hugo.staticman.net/.
Is there any documents to implement to my site? Thanks
I found a comment system called staticman for Hugo site at https://hugo.staticman.net/.
Is there any documents to implement to my site? Thanks
Looks like the author of Staticman has a GitHub repo with the installation on Hugo here https://github.com/eduardoboucas/hugo-plus-staticman
It seems that to implement that you create a static form that posts to the api.staticman.net
url. You have to clone his public repository on github and his API creates a pull request on your github repository.
I think all the difficult part is to get the form working.
Now, just be warned: the comments end on static data on your server, which is nice, but data still passes by an external library on which you have no control (most especially if the service occurs to disappear some day).
Edit: this inspired me this idea for a totally static commenting system.
Just saw that there is some documentation on the website itself: staticman docs.
It does mention Jekyll there, but whether you add a _config.yml
to a Jekyll or Hugo repository probably doesn’t matter.
Hi! I’m the author of Staticman.
The platform can be used with any static site generator, even though the existing documentation is heavily focused on Jekyll.
I’m working on correcting this. The repository that @mpaluchowski found will be used in a screencast I’m putting together, showing how to integrate Staticman with Hugo. The source code should be useful to shed some light on how the intregration works.
I’m hoping to have the capacity to complete the screencast in the next week or so. In the meantime, feel free to create issues on the GitHub repository and I’ll do my best to help.
Staticman runs as a GitHub bot, so it needs a GitHub account
Oh no, I use Gitlab.
Thanks @eduardoboucas for your message. Now I understand that the pi server does not come from anywhere, and should it disappear we still can bring our personal one up.
@kaushalmodi maybe we should see if tuning staticman into gitlab would not be so painful. Already it manages git things, we should see if gitlab prposes its api kind of the same way as github.
There are plans to support GitLab (see GitHub issue), but to be honest I don’t know when I will have the capacity to make that happen. It will require a considerable amount of work, since we’ll need to abstract the current communication with the GitHub API and make sure every operation is ported to GitLab’s.
Here is a complete Hugo theme with staticman support : https://github.com/halogenica/beautifulhugo
I used to configure my own site and theme. It works very well with github.
Two months after Staticman’s GitLab suppot has been merge to the main branch, I’ve successfully recreated a Beautuful Hugo site with comment reply on GitLab (source) a few days ago.
Credits to
It’s awesome, thanks a lot for the time spent on this project. However, when I try to implement it on my own website on gitlab pages, the moment I add the param.staticman in config.toml, my logo and top section of my website disappear, would you know why? Thanks a lot
Please include a link to the source code of your website. You may also consult the successful examples by browsing the activitiy of @staticmanlab, the public Staticman GitLab instance.
In addition, a list of themes with Staticman integrated is available on Framagit.
Please feel free to post further questions.
Bonne journée !
Sorry for very late reply. Last week I had several exams. Please give me a link to the source code of your repo so that I can have a look. Does the HTML form show up? Can the Staticman server create YML files inside your repo? It seems to be a problem of the theme’s setup.
Hi Vincent, no worries, it’s actually fine now since the theme that I’m using just implemented staticman so I will just need to update the theme to make it work. Thanks a lot for your work and good luck for your exams.