

A math Student and GNU/Linux user, built @staticmanlab.

Use Staticman on

  1. @staticmanlab:
  2. @staticmanlab1:

Support Ciro Santilli’s keyboard attack to free netizens from censorship.

Build your personal math blog with comments for free on GitLab

View demo at (source)

Simple setup

  1. Clone this repo

     git clone <your-site-name>

    If this is your personal page, <your-site-name> is <your-user-name>

  2. Start a new project on GitLab named as <your-site-name>.

  3. Add @staticmanlab as a “developer” for your project.

  4. Remove existing comments under the folder data and the file LICENSE.

  5. Modify the following fields in the Hugo config file config.toml. You may comment out stuff by #.

     baseURL = "https://<username>"
     title = "Your title"
       subtitle = "Your subtitle"
       api = "<username>/<username>"
       pulls = "<username>/<username>"
       name = "Your name"
       website = ""

    If this is your project page, use the following parameters instead.

     baseURL = "https://<username><your-project>"
       api = "<username>/<your-project>/master/comments"
       pulls = "<username>/<your-project>/merge_requests"
  6. Either remove the reCAPTCHA config or change the parameters below with your own site key and secret. (You may apply your personal ones with your Google account.)

       sitekey = "6Lcv8G8UAAAAAEqV1Y-XEPum00C_DxhD6O--qkFo"
       secret = "p5uHlH9hCqp...33F1WaIYuwNw=="
  7. Remove these lines at the bottom of config.toml.

       name = "Source"
       url = ""
       weight = 2

Write new posts.

  1. Execute the command hugo new posts/<your-filename>.md
  2. Edit content/posts/<your-filename>.md
  3. Save everything with git add .
  4. Commit with git commit. Add your commit message.
  5. Publish with git push -u origin master

Demo Screenshots

staticman demo
staticman math comment preview