Multilanguage taxonomies

First of, please excuse me if I’m asking things which were asked before. I did search but maybe my terms were not good enough to find the solution.

Given is the following config file:

...(Content omitted)
tags = "tags"
categories = "kategorien"
series = "serien"

... (omitted)
tags = "tags"
categories = "categories"
series = "series"

Hugo seems to accept this as it generates the correct folders for the language version of those taxonomies. But now I have the problem that I don’t know how to use it and how to render the correct version of the links for those taxonomies. I tried {{ with .Site.GetPage "taxonomyTerm" "tags" }} which basically works but if I for example now change the german config from tags = "tags" to tags = "hallo" then it stops working.
Is what I’m trying to do currently even possible? All my URLs etc. are localized so I also want the taxonomy URLs to be localized too, otherwise it would look a bit weird.