Hugo server failed on VMware

Hi everyone, I am new to Hugo, and some issues happened during installation. With my local computer installed VMware with Ubuntu 22.04, and installed Hugo following the instructions on the website. Yet I got the error message below, the Hugo version is v0.92.
If any other information is needed, plz let me know!
Thank you in advanced!!

welcom here,

the first tells you a file is missing, the latter that a value is undefined but use in a method…

unless your installation is heavily broken, it sounds like some errors in your site or theme source.

please have a look at Requesting Help and provide more details.

best and fastest way to get help would be to share your repository.

btw. any reason you installed that specific version. it’s rather old.

the website is very unspecific. and your errors point to a special theme. so you have done different/additional things as described in the quickstart. and install guides.

I apologize for the vague description of the question and thank you for attaching the Requesting Help link.
Here are additional details about the question:
I. hugo env

II. website mention above is the installation instructions on ARM/Developer Hub (link: Learning Path setup | Arm Learning Paths)
I didn’t install a specific Hugo version, it installed this version (v0.92.2) automatically after I gave the command
“sudo apt install hugo”

III. The repository is as follow (same as main branch on arm-learning-path): GitHub - YWprog/arm-learning-paths: Arm Learning Paths: a repository of how-to content for software developers

Cuz the computer was forbidden to flash Linux for business reasons, VMware is required.
I might try to install the latest version first.
Thank you!!

I upgraded Hugo version to v0.140.2 refer to Upgrading Hugo on Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide to Any Version You Need, and use command “hugo server” afterwards, it works!!!
Thanks for your help.

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