How to create a newsletter for Hugo

It’s hard with static site to keep a list of subscribers and send them a newsletter. But it’s not impossible :slight_smile:

Here is a way to have a newsletter, using the RSS feed of Hugo and RssFeedPulse

Enable your RSS feed

The RSS feed should be already there with Hugo

It’s defined in your configuration

  - html
  - rss

Create a campaign on RssFeedPulse

From here, you can leverage your RSS feed to create a campaign

You have to give the rss url (usually in the Feed Url setting

Add a form to collect subscribers

Then you can add a form for users to subscribe.

You can create a new layout, for example in layouts/partials/newsletter.html and create your form from the markup given by rssfeedpulse

From here you can add this form anywhere on your website :

{{- partial "newsletter.html" . -}}

And, that’s all :slight_smile:


I just created my own free version of this sort of thing. Basically the same as rssfeedpulse, but leas professional. Seems to work though.

You can see it on Github and live here: