Best courses for Hugo

Hi all,

I’m looking at some online courses specific to Hugo, and wanted to check if anyone in the community has any input on which are the best. I’m currently taking a look at Hugo Mini Course, and Mike Dane’s YouTube series, but thought it would a good idea to check in and see if anybody has any recommendations for other courses that they have had positive experiences with that I might have missed.


Hi @Ronan_McQ

I can recommend the Hugo course by mike dane Hugo | Mike Dane

this was really easy to follow and gives me all the required understanding of Hugo to get started .

100% recommended as a beginner



I can’t claim to be unbiased about this one, given that I’ve been writing content for these folks, but CloudCannon has a nice set of tutorial articles (by somebody else :slightly_smiling_face:) about Hugo:


The problem with many of these courses and videos (not the ones in CloudCannon, they are fairly new to my knowledge) is that they are years old and Hugo matured much since then. The videos by Mike Dane are over 4 years old. They were great when I started out using Hugo, but now they might be outdated. So they need a bit of care in regards to the back then current Hugo version. Since then pipelines, image processing and many more features were introduced, that weren’t available back then.

So maybe for principles you can take those old videos and believe them. For code samples I would be careful. If they include a .Scratch it’s mostly probably possible via simple := these days.

Not complaining, just saying that 4 years in a programs lifecycle is one or two lifetimes.


nice work I bookmark it for future reading, but as a beginner me like many other prefer video tutorials over articles. Mike Dane’s videos are really easy to understand and are still being used in Hugo docs to explain features and functionalities. like here Front matter | Hugo so it is still very relevant.

Hugo can easily encourage content creators to back Hugo but there doesn’t seems to be much interest so I am not expecting any new quality content for Hugo. Most of the new courses or articles are from jamstack hosting providers who hire some one to write as the info is very difficult to dig sometimes.

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The CloudCannon team is extremely interested in Hugo, I can assure you. They went to great lengths to adapt their platform for it, and they’re determined to be a major option for anyone either already using Hugo or considering it for the future. It’s why they’ve invested in the tutorials they already have and more that are in the pipeline.

As for others, it’s true that everybody wants to keep chasing New Hotness — usually JS-based — but it’s equally true that people can get tired of the Flavor of the Week mentality when what they need is a solid, drama-free solution. In the final analysis, content creators will decide what makes the most sense for their own particular situations. The relative stability of Hugo is particularly attractive to risk-averse businesses, if they’re given the facts.

Just my opinion, mind you.

Note: Actually intended this to be a response to @pitifi9191 but I was using my phone and dealing with a very active grandchild at that time, so didn’t quite get there. :grinning:


Encouraging does not come for free.

The JS ecosystem has several commercial outfits that have the means to generate “hype”.

As far as I know, Hugo has only one maintainer with occasional contributions by other volunteers.

There is a big difference.


True… JS stuff is hyped.

However, there are also companies that promote Hugo. You can think of CloudCannon,, Snipcart and Netlify (and there are probably more).

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That is true.

That is also true.

It is surprising how much a small team has achieved and the rapid pace of new releases.

Now, I’m assuming Mike Dane’s lessons were part of his course and not funded by Hugo. If Hugo can gain additional support from similar content creators, it will be a win-win situation for everyone.

However, to do so, one must be open to suggestions and discussions.


There is no Hugo legal entity that could possibly provide funding for anything.

The Hugo project is a very loose collaboration with a core maintainer and a rotating group of volunteers, who most of the time do not know each other -except for communication via this forum or GitHub-.


This is all very helpful, thanks folks!

Appreciate all the CloudCannon love, cofounder here :innocent:. We believe Hugo is getting overlooked these days, we’re actively building content to help get new developers up to speed. Excited to share some of the content and tools we have in the pipeline.

I’ve got one that I can share with you now. Hot off the press published 30 minutes ago - turn a Bootstrap theme into a Hugo site ready to hand off to a client. Hope it’s valuable to some of you, video coming soon.