Hugo has some real usability issues... Let's address them

Hi @mroswell

I am a beginner with Hugo and I was wondering why there aren’t new blogs, video tutorials for Hugo which is one of the best SSG. I think Hugo community have came to a slow decline it gain huge popularity and then it just stayed with small community growth. And somehow the content creators are not encouraged to back Hugo. And I think main reason is access to the knowledge and transparency.

but there is another side to it if you check on the developer side of this, a golang developer friend told me that he find Hugo documentation clear and really easy to understand. So I suppose there are 2 levels to Hugo and it is not for the people with limited golang or in general lower level of development knowledge. it is not as easy to learn as gatsby for example.

Anyways I suggested to provide an option to back Hugo content creators of my choice directly via Hugo platform but as of today I haven’t heard anything back. so I suppose it is not there priority and the general mentality is take it or leave it which is disappointing and doesn’t give me enough to stand behind Hugo at this time and I think it explain why there aren’t many sponsors or content creators behind hugo :slight_smile:

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