Alternative to Disqus Needed More Than Ever

What I can remember at this moment:

From the consumers (site-owners) perspective

Stapsher doesn’t yet have (but Staticman does):

  • Comment subscription
  • Comment Author authentication

Stapsher has (but Staticman doesn’t):

  • Support for GitLab (free private repositories)
  • Some other small improvements

From development perspective

Stapsher’s codebase is relatively easier to extend. So, adding new features will be easier (or at least that was my intention while developing it :joy: )

So, if you want to keep your site’s repository private (and want it for free), you can consider using Stapsher.


I don’t think there is something really wrong with Isso. I’m using it for 2 or 3 years and it is very lightweight and stable. It’s quite easy to install and tweak. Just checked now, on my cloud server it allocates 6.5% of RAM (which is 33MB for my server) and loads CPU by 0.0%. For the client, it loads 68 kB .js and 7 kB .css if I’m not mistaken. The development is not super active, but something happens. From the listed above open-source commenting engines I also like Mouthful and Commento, though never have used it.

Thanks for explaining.

(You don’t happen to remember the name of the plugins? for tweets & pingbacks. If they worked fine for you)

Ok, yes that’s an important advantage. Thanks for explaining.

With Discourse, blog comments are shown read-only. And if you click a comment, you’ll navigate to a page in the Discourse forum, with all comments for that blog post. And there you can read all comments, and reply. This is what @AndyatFocallocal wants to fix (so one can post, directly from the blog post). — Talkyard (I’m developing it, link in my profile) is different: One can post & edit comments directly on the blog post page itself, without switching to the community forum first.

How complicated would it be to add support for arbitrary Git repos? Maybe not possible, there has to be a database with user accounts somewhere? like GitHub or GitLab? Does it work with self hosted open source GitLab b.t.w? (I’d find it interesting with an issue tracking system with public login and that auto-saves in a Git repo)

It was called “Twitter Mentions as Comments”.

What do you mean by arbitrary Git repos? Git repos that are hosted in any platform? That would mean cloning the repo, comitting and push to the remote (which would mean the application would need to have your login credentials or some other method for acquiring permission). That just isn’t flexible and it would introduce trust issues.

Yes it does. It supports both self-hosted GitHub (enterprise) and self-hosted GitLab.

You might wanna take a look at Utterances. It doesn’t store the comments in the repo, but uses the GitHub Issues for storing comments.

I’ve found 2 projects in the early stages of working on a proper comments system based on Discourse, in some way or another (and hiding the comments from the forum homepage to so as not to flood the main community hub with content out of context without the page/event/article its commenting on being present - the main issue the main discourse community has with creating an official comments system).

I’ve also had 50 or more replies on different forums saying they wanted to see this brought in and discussing that it is feasible. finding people who want to actually join the build has been much slower. Not too sure what to do, the interest is there but i’m not skilled enough to build it myself. Perhaps a crowdfunder?

Any suggestions would be welcome

Re: @Russell_Ballestrini 's Remarkbox, Email notifications are available. Not sure when they were added. But you can’t comment without submitting an email address. For good or bad.

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I’ve found (and am now using) a commenting tool called remark42.

It’s all run out of docker so you’ll need all that stuff working but it’s been a doddle outside that.

I’ve created a platform (prototype stage) for adding Discourse discussions to existing web pages:

Any feedback welcome.

This is how it looks:

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I think a problem with this would be that content and the discussion is moved outside of the website? The docuss website still sits on the user data and comments, just like we see with Disqus.

I also noticed that when Docuss has a problem, the content and comments don’t show. Here’s an error I just got:

**dcs-link-resolver error**
REQ GET /v2/api/
Error: Origin not allowed: "no origin" doesn't match ""

Personally I’m a bit uncomfortable with whitelisting for JavaScript execution because any page on that domain then can execute all JavaScript. In other words, if I whitelist docuss comments for the Vue API, they are also whitelisted for the Avatar script page, which looks much less trustworthy to me.

Also, how can users trust that you don’t inject some code in their page hosted on, or change Amazon affiliate links or banner ads (for example)? I’d be very concerned about that.


@Jura, thanks a lot for your comments.

I plan to work on a version where you can specify your own Discourse instance to store Docuss topics and posts.

This is a bug that should be fixed now. Would you please try again?

Do you mean you’ve disabled Javascript by default in your browser?

Isn’t it the same issue with Disqus? With Google Analytics? With jQuery? When you add script to your pages, you have to trust its provider, right?