I have tag name with url e.g. https://***/subject/tagnameabcnew.
/subject/ is used instead /tags/.
this tag has its own page in /content/tags/tagnameabcnew/_index.md
I set “Aliases” with old tag name urls like:
When I open older url there should be redirection to the current “tagnameabcnew”, but instead the empty taxonomy page with old tag name is displayed.
changefreq: weekly
priority: 0.9
title: Some Title
date: a date
draft: false
slug: tagnameabcnew
- /subject/tagnameabc/
- /subject/anothertagname/
That should be _index.md (with an underscore). Taxonomy and term pages are lists.
yes there is underscore _index.md
How are you changing the permalink? In site config or in front matter. Either way, please provide example.
This setup works as expected (requires v0.115.0 or later):
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-47779 https://github.com/jmooring/hugo-testing hugo-forum-topic-47779
cd hugo-forum-topic-47779
hugo server
I change the permalink in site config:
tags: /subject/:slug
Test the example above using v0.115.0.
I use Hugo 0.117.0
It seems only 1st alias work, 2nd and 3rd doesn’t.
I am unable to reproduce the problem. Please pull changes from my previous example… works as expected.
Tested with v0.117.0 and v0.121.2.
January 10, 2024, 10:52pm
Problem solved. It was my mistake.
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January 12, 2024, 10:53pm
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