I just discovered Hugo and wanted to try to port my existing site (in harp.js), to give it a try as it looks like a very, very good project.
I failed at understanding why my layout is not applied to a page. My whole site will be made of static pages (static in the sense that this is not a blog with posts).
When creating a new site with hugo new
I ended up with a layouts directory. My expectation was that the server starting with no theme would go there looking for _default\single.html.
This is also what the docs say when giving the list of places hugo is looking at when looking for a template to apply.
I also read https://discuss.gohugo.io/t/creating-a-minimal-working-template/135 - the contents of this very helpful post agree with the docs
I placed my firstfile.md
in contents
, started the server with hugo server --verbose --uglyURLs --ignoreCache
and accessed it at
. It is rendered HTML, but a bare one which did not take into account the contents of single.html
(I reused the one from https://discuss.gohugo.io/t/creating-a-minimal-working-template/135).
So can I place my files in content
, have them rendered as
and also have them go though the layout described in … ? (layouts\_default\single.html
does not seem to work for me).
Thank you for any help!relaxed: