View products by category in multilingual site

I’m building an ecommerce site with multiple languages.
I have set up the data files in their respective language folders eg: Data → en → productlist.json
The productlist.json file assigns a category to each product ie:
“id”: “productId”,
“name”: “productName”,
“cat”: “dogs”,
“cat_url”: “dogs”,

In the template I have added:
{{ $data := index .Site.Data .Site.Language.Lang }}
{{ range $data.productlist }}
output goes here
{{ end }}

I think this now gives me access to the productlist.json file corresponding to the page language. I now want to output the products by category, to give me a category view page. How would I achieve this?
Thanks for any help. The site files are available here:

git clone

The data directory exists outside Hugo’s Multilingual Mode and that is how it should be.

If you want to display different products per language then I suggest that you split that JSON into Markdown Files and place them under the respective Language directories under /content/ with third party tools e.g. jq, Python, Go, Unix shell etc.

There is no way around it I’m afraid.

You have confirmed what I was afraid of. Thank you for helping me.

Pages from Data sources is a pending feature request.
I suggest that you subscribe to GitHub issues #5074 and #6310.

In these issues users have posted several workarounds.

Also have a look at the following techniques to create Pages from Data, perhaps you can make them work in Multilingual Mode: