V&A Explore The Collections, over 1 million pages generated by Hugo

Hey all!

I’m a frontend developer at the V&A and I have recently posted a write-up detailing how we used Hugo for our new collections website. You can also check out Explore the Collections itself also.

We were very impressed by Hugo’s powerful templating and speedy performance. When we initially decided on using static pages for the object pages, we were concerned about how long it would take each time we needed to build the site. Hugo manages to generate the pages for the entirety of collections in about an hour however!

Hope you enjoy checking out ETC! We’re still in Beta and will be using Hugo for other features in the future too!


This is amazing! The Victoria and Albert Museum is one of the great museums of the world. This is the most high profile usage of Hugo that I’ve seen so far.

Please consider submitting https://collections.vam.ac.uk/ to the Hugo Showcase. Instructions can be found here

cc: @bep

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This is great work! Hugo is only a small cog in your system. The design is outstanding. The speed of the resulting website is very noticable (I got OCD about speed).

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This is very very impressive. As a side note, a “soon to come” Hugo version will be much more memory effective for large content/data sets. I’m guessing V&A currently needs fairly beefy hardware (lots of memory) to do this. Still very impressive.


It’s actually a testament to Hugo that we are running this on a pretty economically specced server. The main hurdle to overcome was not memory limitations, but Disk I/O i.e. handling hundreds of thousands of files being saved and moved around on the disk. Exciting to hear that builds could be even faster in the future though!