Updated on scoop but hugo version showed the old version

Hello community,

I am struggling with how to update to the latest extended version of Hugo. I have worked around with various approach such as download the zip file from “Releases”, extract the file, using edit variables to update again the version.

However, I checked the hugo version it 's always showing the old one which is hugo v0.104.0-DEV-8e9dce1092133a44795062dbfdc917468c0c7056 windows/amd64 BuildDate=2022-09-15T16:47:37Z.

I installed Hugo via scoop, I did scoop update hugo-extended, however

It isn’t necessarily has to be the latest but please help me how to bring it to the extended version since I need it for SCSS/SASS edit.

Here’s the code: GitHub - zlemenio/zlemenio.github.io
Thank you

Are you certain you’re updating the version used in the terminal? Try where.exe hugo to see where the executable is located at.

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This is mostly because your PATH isn’t setup properly.

Check both the System and User environment variables and scrub out any directories from the PATH related to hugo directly. It could be your previous installation’s directory has a precedence over scoop’s bin directory in the PATH.

You could also simply do this and delete the directory the binary is located in and then remove it from the PATH.

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