Understanding jamstack (CMS + Hugo + CF Pages) - how to start and what to install

I wanted to set up a simple blog and I don’t know where to start to make everything work properly. I used to just use WP or PHP frameworks and everything was installed on one server (backend and template system)

What do I want to achieve?

  1. Free CMS available online (e.g. on the subdomain api.domain.com or as a subdirectory domain.com/admin etc.)
  2. CMS content downloaded by Hugo
  3. Static version generation
  4. Deploy to Cloudflare Pages
  5. In the case of changes in the CMS, automatic generation of a new, static version and its deployment

I don’t know what CMS to choose (Strapi, Tina, Sanity or maybe something else) and where I should install it to make everything work
For now, I have installed the above-mentioned CMS locally and tested them, they work, but I do not know how to run them in the cloud and export data from them to Hugo. Which one is the best? Maybe it’s worth testing some other solutions?

Step 1 is building your Hugo site.

Step 2 is to deploy it somewhere. In your case Cloudflare pages.

Step 3 is connecting a CMS so you can edit the markdown files in a nice UI.

Step 3 is not required, I never do it for my personal sites. Most of my customers however prefer to edit their site in a Web UI.

As this is general non Hugo specific question you could have a look at this option.

Disclaimer. I am the developer of this and am currently integrating for Hugo sites as a build and deploy option.