Developing a live Hugo editior ( Self hosted )

Hi people, I love hugo , its awesome but lacks one feature which is a deal breaker for me , which is able to edit websites on the fly like ( WordPress ).
I have developed a website ( core feature are build ) was thinking to develop it fully but before i do that wanted to know if people are interested in this? Or is there an alternative already exists.

Current features developed.

  • fetch files
  • create blog( file)
  • move
  • delete.
  • publish
  • open selecting a file , a vscode like editor ( monoco will be shown with the markdown code

User can edit and save the changes. Upon pressing public a deploy script is triggered

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Hello) There are many editors, there is a plugin for vs code that acts as a cms there are options in the form of a separate cms that then sends data to hugo/collects the site on hugo Headless CMS - Top Content Management Systems | Jamstack (not all work with hugo but still) But honestly, so far I haven’t found any better universal solution, I’ll say more, I’ve already been disappointed in the jamstack approach because of this, because setting up wp and transferring access to the content manager is a matter of minutes and works on 99% of hosts, but explaining that the site is on github and how only when the content is updated there, cloudflare pages will pick it up and rebuild it into static and how to now give access to the content manager and explain how to work with it? It’s easier to do everything yourself) Probably in large companies they can buy a subscription to one of these fancy combines where you manage content in the cloud and static is uploaded to the site, but most have some exorbitant prices if you start seriously looking at the product) In short, my opinion - if you want to do it, users will catch up if it’s really needed and so necessary!)

I total get it, i have tried the options you have shared above, nothings what truly i wanted.

The product which i have developed is not really a CMS, but it will let you code from browser.

It has all files access, and a preview of your changes.
Once you got satisfied with your changes you can hit public and it will trigger a deploy script ( users can modify this )

Connections to cms is different.
My product will give you access to your code files and you can code it anywhere.

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It sounds interesting! Good luck with them, publish the link, I would be happy to check them out!

Hugo is not dynamic, hence the ‘static’ in static site generator. Most Hugo users either use an IDE (like VS Code) or they use a CMS and host/deploy their sites .

This sounds more like re-inventing the wheel when we have and the likes.

This sounds more like re-inventing the wheel when we have and the likes
True, I guess I don’t have to build my tool then! cool. thanks for saving me some time.