I have a simple reveal-hugo site which is mostly RevealJS presentations. It works well enough, though getting it going was a lot of trial and error.
The site also has a second kind of page which is longer form text rather than presentation slides. Currently I cheat and just put bare html files in /static, which is fine, but I’d like to use markdown.
I have tried reading the doc, and looking for examples, and I know git, css, html, and commandline, but I am still struggling to figure out how to have two kinds of pages in one site. This is probably trivial for people who understand Hugo and its conventions, but for the rest of us, it’s quite a challenge.
To demonstrate my problem, I first created a new site following https://github.com/dzello/reveal-hugo/blob/master/README.md to the letter:
$ hugo new site hugo-demo
$ cd hugo-demo
$ git init
$ git add *
$ git commit -m "new site"
$ git submodule add https://github.com/dzello/reveal-hugo.git themes/reveal-hugo
$ cat >> config.toml <<_EOF_
theme = "reveal-hugo"
baseName = "index"
mediaType = "text/html"
isHTML = true
$ cat > content/_index.md << _EOF_
title = "My presentation"
outputs = ["Reveal"]
# Hello world!
This is my first slide.
$ hugo
This worked fine with the hugo 0.47 in Ubuntu 18.10. (Ubuntu 18.04’s hugo is too old.)
Then to demostrate what I’m trying and failing to do, I then created a plain markdown page:
$ cat > content/more-info.md <<_EOF_
# More Info
Just a long-form page of text, no reveal, please.
$ hugo
That caused more-info to be listed in the sitemap, but didn’t actually generate a page for it.
(I pushed the result to https://github.com/dankegel/hugo-demo in case that’s easier to look at.)
What’s the secret sauce I’m missing to get more-info.md to be expanded from plain old markdown to plain old HTML, without any RevealJS magic?