Trying to add a custom domain in GitHub Pages but it doesn't work

Hi folks.

I have added a custom dns into GItHub Pages and couple of records in my GoDaddy dns provider. GitHub shows that it’s ok but when I am entering into my site in the new domain - I don’t get any resource.

Do you know what shall I do in that case?

Here is my toml file:
baseURL = ‘A Journey Through Code and Serenity
languageCode = ‘en-us’
title = ‘A Journey Through Code and Serenity’
theme = ‘hugo-coder’

Shall I change this baseURL to the new domain?
If yes - shall it be with /my-website/ or not?

any change to the hugo.yml file also?

Your help will be most appreciated.

That gets redirected to another domain. Is that intended?


No idea what you mean. Your domain seems to be, so that should be your base URL. Where is my-website coming in?

And what’s the difference between your “toml file” and your “hugo.yml”. Do you have several config files with overlapping content?

baseURL must be set to the actual URL of your site. Since you now are using the custom domain for the site set it like this.

baseURL = ""


Maybe this helps

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You want to server your site from and not from

It also looks like you have not made the needed entries to your DNS to point “” to GitHub.