what is the best solution to make an online store with a hugo site that already exists for free?
I would use Snipcart… but this exists too (and I am the author):
It looks like this:
I used snipcart but it is paid and expensive !
I did not find these files (webshop.css and webshop.js)
If you can add them
Very interesting, but where are the CSS and JS files from this guide?
thank you but i have problem when i click on “Proceed to payment” i get error ( read-only) message
the code that allowed to click to this button is :
<input type="submit" value="{{ i18n `Proceed to payment` }}" onclick="setOrderNumber(this.parentNode.parentNode);" /></div>
how to fix this problem please ?
The code is looking for a hidden input (that you probably omitted). Please look at the (original) code.
i get the same error with original code any ideas ?
That is not true. You can download the original code here:
You can test the original code here and see that it works:
What you probably mean is that you are having trouble implementing the code correctly. I want to help you if you share your repo.
This is my repository ( content with html pages) :
NedjmaOrg/webstore-nedjma.org (github.com)
Note; my website is in french; you can find webshop on this link localhost:1313/boutique
I got 404 for the link, and for NedjmaOrg, showed me " NedjmaOrg doesn’t have any public repositories yet."
try now ( i changed visibility )
do you get error ( read-only ) ?
Which Hugo version are you using?
I use version 0.111.2
I ran your website and webshop with success on port 1313 with version 0.120.3 typing hugo server