Simplest HUGO site

I want to simply create a HUGO site but with no theme exactly. That way I can create a header and footer and home page myself. It’ll be more of a pain I am sure but I usually just want to change the pictures and styles on the theme I use. I kind of want to tackle each part as I go. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, ahead of time,
Brian Cooper

This command may look a little strange…

hugo new theme mysite --themesDir .

…but it creates a minimally-opinionated site skeleton.


Excellent, I don’t have enough time to play with it tonight but will try it tomorrow. After creating the new site I should be able to make posts and such as described in the quick start guide?


Thank you.

If you changed your mind and prefer using a styleless theme, consider no-style-please.

After i try the first suggestion i will give that one a try as well. Thanks for the suggestion.

I started the new site using ThemesDir . and it is pretty much what I was looking for but it doesn’t work right off as if you have a theme with all the html and config.toml files. Those need to be configured first before you can post and build the site. It is a shell and I believe I can start going through the DOCs and adding what is needed to get it going. Thanks again.

Then you are doing something very, very wrong.