Simple Tumblr to Hugo Exporter

Hi all,

Hope this helps the community :)! I took Tumblr2Markdown and combined it with html2text, and now have a more or less fully working Tumblr -> Hugo Markdown format exporter :). You can try it here:

It includes a number of features such as:

  • Replacing links if they’re pointing to your current Tumblr blog with Hugo’s relref pointing to the Markdown file
  • Front matter is formatted properly for Hugo
  • Ability to set if export Markdown files should be in draft mode or not
  • If downloading images, it will by default download to individual folders (based on the markdown file name)

The only limitation is that I’ve commented out parts of the original code so it only exports “text” body types from Tumblr at the moment, you can easily uncomment that portion but I haven’t test how it performs. I hope this helps :)!

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I updated it so now you can choose to export all post types from Tumblr. If your video posts are linked to YouTube, it’ll attempt to replace it with Hugo’s YouTube shortcode too.

I know that this is an old thread but I want to thank you!

Just converted all of my 332 photo posts from my defunct Tumblr.

Your script works great and it’s super easy to customize.