I’d like to create a blog / posts section of my hugo site that has more of a tumblr style feed. Different content types for different kinds of posts all in one stream. I’m not really sure if that’s wise from an SEO standpoint but I dont’ want the have the same displayed format for an article as a simple link post.
Photograph, Link(s), Video, Quote, Article would cover the bases of content.
But I’m a little baffled how to best accomplish it from a template perspective in hugo. Returning different post styles/formatting on the list page specifically.
Based on what I’ve managed to figure out from the docs, the most straightforward solution is to have content types, like content/posts/articles and content/posts/photos and content/posts/links which would allow me to set different archetypes for each post type.
1) The URL structure of your site does not have to mirror the structure of your content/ directory. You can override the URL structure in the permalinks section of config.toml. I mention this because it sounds as if you want everything to appear under posts/, but it would be advantageous to organize your content/ directory differently.