Number of pages built differ on Local and Github

Hello, i’m trying to add an multilingual option on my website, and it works very well on local, but as soon as i try to deploy it, there’s 20 pages missing, has anyone had the kind of issue before ?
(i’m using the roxo-hugo theme)

Local is a dev build. Github a production build

So the guess would be the missing pages are drafts. Check the front matter.

If not share your code and config. See: Requesting Help

i checked there is nothing indicating they are drafts,
also the old (monolingual) website works very well, but as soon as i try to update it, all pages except home are 404

Are u shure ur theme supports multilingual mode?

Usually they mention that exlicitely as feature. And their demo site is just one language

i did think of that, but i dissmissed it because it worked on local, when deployed, there is the homepage in english, but the french homepages works aswell (you can switch between both and all the buttons are translated accordingly). these are the only ones working though. I’m just wondering why it would work in local but not when deployed?

could this prevent the pages from being built ?
if this is the case, is there a way to implement the multilingual mode into the theme ?

thank you so much for your answers !

Offline , so unable to check out

Two hints

  • missing languageCode thats used by alias templates check Multilingual mode | Hugo
    There is a comment on that for the languageCode setting

  • are you sure you build the right branch on github?

Okay it works !
The problem actually was my contentDir variables…
It was written :
contentDir = “/content/en/”
when it should’ve been
contentDir = “content/en”

Thank you for sending me on the right path and for taking time to answer !

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