Hi there !
Firstly, as this is my first post here, a BIG thank you to the whole Hugo community and its developers, it’s a really great FOSS project !
I’m currently developing a multilingual site and its custom theme. In addition to the local development environment, I use GitHub Pages (as a Project/Repository site type) as a testing bed and for other contributors to have a look at the WIP.
The default language is English and a few languages were set up for testing. In the local environment, all language pages are correctly linked. On GitHub Pages, all non-default language ones (other than English) are linked with an unnecessary Language Code between my default GitHub user domain and the project name, leading to non-existing URLs. Example:
English page on local environment URL : localhost:1313/page/
French page on local environment URL : localhost:1313/fr/page/
English page on GitHub Project Pages URL : user.github.io/your-github-project/page/
French page on GitHub Project Pages URL : user.github.io/fr/your-github-project/fr/page/
instead of the expected : user.github.io/your-github-project/fr/page/
Thanks for any hint
Local env
hugo v0.129.0-e85be29867d71e09ce48d293ad9d1f715bc09bb9 linux/amd64 BuildDate=2024-07-17T13:29:16Z VendorInfo=gohugoio