Modify page_header.html to enable GIFs

I am currently trying to modify the page_header.html file to ensure gifs are displayed in the section page. Has anyone come across this before or has suggestions on how to modify the code?


There is noch such thing as the page_header.html.

  • I assume you are using a theme. Which?
  • Maybe the Theme has a dedicated doc or a support /issue channel

Maybe you have a repo to share and elaborate on your problem and expectations.

Without all involved code and config we would only be guessing.


Hello @irkode,

Thank you for your prompt response.

I am currently using the Hugo Academic theme and would like to modify the page_header.html file to support GIFs when navigating from the homepage to a specific section page (only for the content/research/[specific folder]). GIFs are currently supported in the homepage as I modified the layouts/partials/views/compact.html file.

Here are the links to my repository and website:

You are more likely to receive an accurate and timely response from the Academic/Wowchemy/Hugo Blox team:

They also have an active Discord channel:

cc: @alcarazr

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Ok, thank you.