Can anyone recommend a hugo theme for a blog that is easy to read posts on a mobile phone?
The themes tagged Responsive is a good place to start looking… all of them should look great on mobile too.
- Click on any of the themes, and then on the Demo button.
- Then resize your browser to a narrow size, to mimic a phone browser.
That’s a good quick way to test a site on a PC to see how it would look on phone.
Thank you. Do you have a particular favorite in terms of its typography?
No, I don’t have a favorite in particular… I just keep on tinkering on my personal theme.
If you’re asking for recommendations, I’d recommend BluestNight (official site)
(Disclaimer: I’m the developer, so I’m a little biased)
If you’re still looking for a theme though, check out the official site or one of the others listed in the theme description in the gallery.