I’m trying to update Hugo on my Solaris 11 system, which has golang v1.7. I successfully built v0.18 last year but now when I try to build git master via
$ go get -u -v github.com/gohugoio/hugo
I get these failures:
# github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib
/home/jmcp/gocode/src/github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib/page_bundler_handlers.go:239: undefined: sort.SliceStable
/home/jmcp/gocode/src/github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib/site.go:384: s.s.Deps.PathSpec.BaseURL.URL().Port undefined (type *url.URL has no field or method Port)
I’m not up to speed with Go itself just yet, so I’m unsure whether these failures are a result of not using golang 1.9, or some other reason.
I would really appreciate your clue-ing me in about this.
To compile it you need >= Go 1.8. We have a “last two versions” policy.
But note that file watching (in hugo server) currently does not work on Solaris. There is an open issue about it.
To find a Go 1.7 friendly version, you will have to find the version before we started to use sort.Slice (new in Hugo 1.8) – or look at the Go 1.8 release date and pick one Hugo version around that time.
My “Solaris Shop” is in fact Oracle’s Systems division. I’m well aware of the fsnotify thing and have been doing what I can to get that fixed. Long, sloooooow process.