I’m one of the organizers of https://www.gophercon.org.il and we’re looking for someone (paid) to help with converting the site to Hugo and maybe some support for the next conference.
Any recommendations?
I’m one of the organizers of https://www.gophercon.org.il and we’re looking for someone (paid) to help with converting the site to Hugo and maybe some support for the next conference.
Any recommendations?
Hi Miki,
We will be happy to discuss this requirement with you. We have already completed 3 Hugo sites and currently working on 2 more.
You can contact me using https://www.deligence.com/contact-us/
Sanjay Kumar
Hey Miki!
I would be interested in helping with the site. I have Hugo experience and it looks like a great conference.
Reach out if you’re interested in discussing it further.
If you are still looking I’m interested.
Have built sites like https://www.bypasscensorship.org/ with Hugo and have also developed my own theme https://github.com/frjo/hugo-theme-zen
Contact me via https://xdeb.net/contact/
Thanks to everyone who replied. We’ll have a look and contact for further information.
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