I need some work done on my site to have it launching and not looking like a 1990s school project website and not having to troubleshoot every feature and learn how it connects with a whole range of other Go features which takes me hours I don’t have.
at www.smalldesignengagements.com
repo: GitHub - mrstarfish/smalldesignengagements: small design engagements
Must have requirements:
Put in some a) features and b) fixes in my existing hugo site.
Teach me what you do to put in the features and fixes. We can do a push pull request type of arrangement to help with this.
Contact me with your hourly $$. Payment through PayPal only.
I have emailed you my proposal at contact [ at ] sm********ments [dot] com from vyom@vyom.site. Please check spam folder as well.
For you ease, here is a summary of my services:
Custom development of Hugo website
Deployment assistance
Setup of CMS using Tina.io for easy content editing
Training of Hugo
After sale support as per requirement
I have 7+ years of Hugo static site development experience. You will get the best Hugo website with speed and SEO enhancements.
Let us connect to discuss more about the project.
I look forward to your response.
Please feel free to ask any questions.
Thank you
Akash Kumar Sharma
Delhi, Bharat
Thanks. That email isn’t active yet on my server, so anyone interested will need to PM me or post here.
Thank you for the information.
I have sent a copy of the email by message
Please feel free to ask any questions.
I look forward to your response.
Thank you
Akash Kumar Sharma
Delhi, Bharat
@mrstarfish Any update regarding this project ?
Thanks, I’ve chosen someone via PM. Thanks for your interest
Best wishes.
In case you still require my services, please feel free to message me.
Thank you
May 1, 2023, 4:37am
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