Import from Drupal


I’m a total newbie with Hugo. I have a few Drupal websites, some of which suffered much pain with the recent Drupal security fiasco.

So I searched around and found Hugo and so far it looks impressive.

I started to think how I might migrate existing Drupal content and began a small project (in Go) to automate most of the content work. See

I am wondering how much interest there is in having such a tool.


Ooh, thanks for sharing. I’m certainly interested, but it’ll be a limited interest since once the sites are out of Drupal they’re out.

I’ve updated drupal2hugo so that it now transfers the tag/taxonomy info to the output .md files’ front matter.

It’s quite a useful tool now. However, I still need to investigate how to deal with menus.

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sadly this importer right now is completely broken :frowning:

I’ve changed a little bit the directory structure and minimal parts of the code to allow it to be compilable by “go get”. Here there is the pull request: