I'm having trouble building my site (Pico theme)

I’m getting the following errors:

ERROR 2023/04/15 16:19:09 render of "page" failed: 
execute of template failed: 
template: blog/single.html:6:4: executing "blog/single.html" 
at <partial "head/js.html" .>: error calling partial: 
execute of template failed: template: partials/head/js.html:17:38: 
executing  "partials/head/js.html" 
at <resources.Concat>: error calling Concat: slice []interface {} 
not supported in concat
ERROR 2023/04/15 16:19:09 render of "home" failed: 
execute of template failed: template: index.html:6:4: 
executing "index.html" at <partial "head/js.html" .>: 
error calling partial: 
execute of template failed: template: partials/head/js.html:17:38: 
executing "partials/head/js.html" 
at <resources.Concat>: error calling Concat: slice []interface {} 
not supported in concat
ERROR 2023/04/15 16:19:09 render of "section" failed:
execute of template failed: template: blog/list.html:6:4: 
executing "blog/list.html" at 
<partial "head/js.html" .>: error calling partial: 
execute of template failed: template: partials/head/js.html:17:38:
executing "partials/head/js.html" at <resources.Concat>:
error calling Concat: slice []interface {} not supported in concat
ERROR 2023/04/15 16:19:09 render of "taxonomy" failed:
execute of template failed: template: taxonomy/list.html:6:4:
executing  "taxonomy/list.html" at <partial "head/js.html" .>:
error calling partial:
execute of template failed: template: partials/head/js.html:17:38: 
executing  "partials/head/js.html" at <resources.Concat>: 
error calling Concat: slice []interface {} not supported in concat
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: 
render of "page" failed: 
execute of template failed: template: blog/single.html:6:4: 
executing "blog/single.html" at <partial "head/js.html" .>: 
error calling partial: 
execute of template failed: template: partials/head/js.html:17:38:
executing  "partials/head/js.html" at <resources.Concat>: 
error calling Concat: slice []interface {} not supported in concat

Looks like you’ve already reached out to the theme author:

What does your site config look like? Specifically, the params key?

The site previously worked as configured. There was a problem with Apache on the server that I couldn’t fix so after backing my sites up I reset the server and tranfered the backups back to it. Most of the other sites I have on the server are working properly now.

You didn’t answer my questions.

Do you want the config file?

Yes please.

Link to the config files in my personal pastebin

You have this in your site configuration, copied from the theme’s example:

customCSS = [
] # Path relative to assets folder
customJS = ["js/console.js"] # Path relative to assets folder

If you don’t have custom CSS or custom JS, set the value to an empty array, or remove the keys from your site configuration.

customCSS = [] # Path relative to assets folder
customJS = [] # Path relative to assets folder

I copied the assests folder from the theme folder to the site root and it complies now.

Where does the hero image go? I noticed that it wasn’t in the backup for some reason. I also don’t see it in the example site.

Also, how would I add a link to a different site in the nav bar?