Getting this error.
hugo v0.104.3-58b824581360148f2d91f5cc83f69bd22c1aa331+extended windows/amd64 BuildDate=2022-10-04T14:25:23Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
ERROR 2023/03/01 11:11:03 render of “page” failed: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts_default\baseof.html:6:11”: execute of template failed: template: _default/sidebar-form.html:6:11: executing “_default/sidebar-form.html” at <partial “meta/head” .>: error calling partial: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts\partials\meta\head.html:30:49”: execute of template failed: template: partials/meta/head.html:30:49: executing “partials/meta/head.html” at <resources.Concat>: error calling Concat: resources in Concat must be of the same Media Type, got “text/x-scss” and “text/css”
ERROR 2023/03/01 11:11:03 render of “page” failed: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts_default\baseof.html:6:11”: execute of template failed: template: _default/calculator.html:6:11: executing “_default/calculator.html” at <partial “meta/head” .>: error calling partial: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts\partials\meta\head.html:30:49”: execute of template failed: template: partials/meta/head.html:30:49: executing “partials/meta/head.html” at <resources.Concat>: error calling Concat: resources in Concat must be of the same Media Type, got “text/x-scss” and “text/css”
ERROR 2023/03/01 11:11:03 render of “page” failed: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts_default\baseof.html:6:11”: execute of template failed: template: _default/legal.html:6:11: executing “_default/legal.html” at <partial “meta/head” .>: error calling partial: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts\partials\meta\head.html:30:49”: execute of template failed: template: partials/meta/head.html:30:49: executing “partials/meta/head.html” at <resources.Concat>: error calling Concat: resources in Concat must be of the same Media Type, got “text/x-scss” and “text/css”
ERROR 2023/03/01 11:11:03 render of “page” failed: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts_default\baseof.html:6:11”: execute of template failed: template: _default/search.html:6:11: executing “_default/search.html” at <partial “meta/head” .>: error calling partial: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts\partials\meta\head.html:30:49”: execute of template failed: template: partials/meta/head.html:30:49: executing “partials/meta/head.html” at <resources.Concat>: error calling Concat: resources in Concat must be of the same Media Type, got “text/x-scss” and “text/css”
ERROR 2023/03/01 11:11:03 failed to render pages: render of “page” failed: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts_default\baseof.html:6:11”: execute of template failed: template: _default/sidebar-form.html:6:11: executing “_default/sidebar-form.html” at <partial “meta/head” .>: error calling partial: “C:\Git\zorse\layouts\partials\meta\head.html:30:49”: execute of template failed: template: partials/meta/head.html:30:49: executing “partials/meta/head.html” at <resources.Concat>: error calling Concat: resources in Concat must be of the same Media Type, got “text/x-scss” and “text/css”
Error: Error building site: TOCSS-DART: failed to transform “scss/main.scss” (text/x-scss): “:1:1”: Can’t find stylesheet to import.
Built in 3181 ms
Hugo Version:
S C:\Git\zorse> hugo version
hugo v0.104.3-58b824581360148f2d91f5cc83f69bd22c1aa331+extended windows/amd64 BuildDate=2022-10-04T14:25:23Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
dart-sass-embedded version
PS C:\Git\zorse> dart-sass-embedded --version
“protocolVersion”: “1.2.0”,
“compilerVersion”: “1.56.2”,
“implementationVersion”: “1.56.2”,
“implementationName”: “Dart Sass”,
“id”: 0
I have given permission to “Everyone” to read & execute
Please help. I am using the Hugo extended and dart-sass-embedded. Is there something I am missing?