I only want to get ONE Hugo site up and running

Hi, I’m new to HUGO and have many HUGO Template that I’ve installed via Git ,

None of them give clear instructions on how to edit them. So I need a little help to get started. Currently I’m using Linux but will switch to whatever platform you want.



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I want to install HUGO on an Amazon Web Services instance of Lightsail. I don’t know if I should use CentOS or Ubuntu type commands in AWS instance ??

It seems there are so many ways to go wrong, that I hesititate to even try.

Not sure what you are trying to do. I suggest you start by installing Hugo on your own computer and build your site. When everything works there you can start exploring deployment options.

Since Hugo will generate a static site with plain HTML, css and js files you can upload them almost anywhere.

I use AWS a fair amount, haven’t used Lightsail, but it appears Lightsail basically sets up a server and dev stack for you. You can choose your OS like ubuntu or centos, and, theoretically could ssh in and run Hugo there, but, rather I would recommend to simply run it locally.

You’re developing a static site, viewing it with hugo server as you develop, and then you run hugo to generate the site and put it in /public under your project folder. Once you get the site built, the easiest thing is frankly to use hugo deploy and push to Amazon AWS S3. It’s a static site, so it’s pretty easy to make S3 work for that, and it costs next to nothing / month for a small volume site (that is, your typical blog). If you need DNS hosting just use AWS Route 53 and set up a hosted zone for your domain.

Lightsail automates a lot it appears, but, in my opinion you don’t really need a full server environment just to host some html, css and js.

Thanks for the feedback. The reason I wanted to use an AWS server is because it’s more dependable than my local machines. Also the idea that I don’t have to sit at the same computer all the time. Sometimes I use the computer downstairs sometimes I use the computer upstairs sometimes I use my laptop downtown. I like the ability to login on any computer anywhere and work on my Hugo site. Also my local machines have been pretty unreliable lately and I’ve had to reload the OS I think the AWS machines would be more stable than mine.

Sure thing. Ah right, I see your point. Well, you could run VNC on Lightsail Ubuntu or even EC2, although I have not tried it. That would let you run hugo server and view http://localhost:1313 in a browser, in the VNC desktop, for doing your dev. Then you could take advantage of AWS S3, and use hugo deploy to push to S3 when you are ready to publish the site. You’d just need to point a domain A record at the S3 bucket.

I assume you can also publish the site to some folder on the Lightsail instance, but, another option is Workspaces:

… if all you want to do is be able to do the dev in a stable machine that is not one of your local boxes, and, are ok just pushing to S3 to publish.

Well I’m trying to stay away from having to pay Amazon the $5.00+/month for a workspace. But maybe that is my best choice, I’m in a researching phase now. I have used S3 buckets to host static websites before and that’s what I plan on doing. It’s the development of the static site that I want to set up. Should I use Linux Ubuntu or AWS Linux for HUGO? Seems I can find more instructions on the internet for a Ubuntu server.
Side track on Geneology: My grandfather was a Cogley, Dutch and Irish.


haha, small world! My Irish boss years ago said there is a Bally Cogley (Town Cogley) in Ireland, consisting of a bus stop, a church and a pub!

Hard to say which is better. You can create an install script like this:

… for any *nix-based OS. I have one for my Macs. The benefit is, as soon as there’s a release, you can run your script and get to it. I keep mine in my zsh functions in ~/.zshrc.

Amazon Linux is in the Red Hat family, meaning yum or snap package manager installs. Someone is maintaining the snap install as far as I remember; see the release pages. There’s always a delay for the snaps though, because someone has to build it after the release. I guess a benefit to using Amazon Linux is that its efficient & cheaper to run on AWS, and, more tightly coupled with AWS services. Usage would be like RHEL or Centos.