Script to install latest hugo release on macos and ubuntu

Made a script to install the latest hugo release (non-extended version) on macOS. It works on Ubuntu as well, just replace occurrences of macOS with Linux.

Edit: This assumes $HOME/bin/ is already on your PATH

Edit 2: It now does all work in /tmp/, then moves the hugo binary to /usr/local/bin/, so this script will likely need need to be run with sudo

# Change to temporary directory
pushd /tmp/

# Get JSON response of latest releases, find the one we want, 
# pretty-up the URL, then download it
curl -s \
| grep "browser_download_url.*hugo_[^extended].*_macOS-64bit\.tar\.gz" \
| cut -d ":" -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| wget -qi -

# Unzip hugo binary
tarball="$(find . -name "*macOS-64bit.tar.gz")"
tar -xzf $tarball

# Give hugo binary executable permissions
chmod +x hugo

# Move hugo binary to a location that is already on your PATH
mv hugo /usr/local/bin/

# Go back to previous directory

# Display hugo binary location and version
location="$(which hugo)"
echo "Hugo binary location: $location"
version="$(hugo version)"
echo "Hugo binary version: $version"

My inspiration:


Also note:


Nice. Itā€™s like he took the Gradle Wrapper concept and applied it to Hugo

Also, mostly because I need to explain things to myself lol, did a small write-up:

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I do it this way, with a zsh function (Iā€™m using macOS):

Yours is more agnostic I think @zwbetz, but I just really like jq.


Nice. Btw, Iā€™m digging your .zshrc file

1 Like

beware, probably a lot of detritus in there! :blush:

Hereā€™s my improved version. Checks if update is needed first. Avoids having to remember to preface with sudo. Checking local architecture and downloading the correct tarball is next improvement.


CUR_VERSION="$(hugo version | cut -d'v' -f2 | cut -c 3-5)"
NEW_VERSION="$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d'.' -f2 | cut -d'"' -f1)"
echo "Current Version: $CUR_VERSION => New Version: $NEW_VERSION"

if [ "$NEW_VERSION" -ne "$CUR_VERSION" ]; then

  echo "Installing version $NEW_VERSION"

  pushd /tmp/

  curl -s \
  | grep "browser_download_url.*hugo_[^extended].*_Linux-64bit\.tar\.gz" \
  | cut -d ":" -f 2,3 \
  | tr -d \" \
  | wget -qi -

  tarball="$(find . -name "*Linux-64bit.tar.gz" 2>/dev/null)"
  tar -xzf $tarball

  chmod +x hugo

  sudo mv hugo /usr/local/bin/


  location="$(which hugo)"
  echo "Hugo binary location: $location"

  version="$(hugo version)"
  echo "New Hugo binary version installed!: $version"

  echo Latest version already installed

@dkebler ā€“ Just took it for a spin on macOS, nice improvements :+1:

Ok here is my ā€œsuper improvedā€ version as a downloadable link
(latest update 8:26pst Nov 9,2018)
Iā€™ll make any corrections/improvements to the copy at this link.

Easiest way to use it is download to ~/bin or another directory in your path. Do a chmod +x and then youā€™ll be able to run it from anywhere. Then create a daily cron job and bobā€™s your uncle.

Will only work on generic linux including ubuntu/debian as it only downloads those tarballs.

  • Will determine if you are trying to install on an arm32, arm64, or amd64 machine and download the correct tarball.
  • Does some better error checking, aborts if there is nothing to update
  • You can set the default install directory in the script and/or install to an alternate directory from command line.
  • Uses sudo only if need be.
  • will use github user and token variables you can set in your enviroment or in script because as I discovered if you do too many anonymous curls to the github API it locks you out

Fair warning I did do some good testing/debugging but my effort was maybe 1/2 hour. Find anything amiss why then do share your corrections.

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Link not working (at least for me):

Concur, not working for me either.

sorry thatā€™s apparently a private thread and discourse wonā€™t let me duplicate it
See above or below post where I fixed it with a direct downloadable link

There was request to post source here. Itā€™s below but will likely become outdated as changes are made so to see/download the latest use this link

# Version 0.1.0  8:26 PST, Nov 9, 2018
# see
# if you have run into github api anonymous access limits then add user and token here or in environment

# Single optional argument is directory in which to install hugo
BIN_PATH="$(which hugo)"
declare -A ARCHES
ARCHES=( ["arm64"]="ARM64" ["aarch64"]="ARM64"  ["x86_64"]="64bit" ["arm32"]="ARM"  ["armhf"]="ARM" )

if [ -z "${ARCHES[$ARCH]}" ]; then
  echo  Your machine kernel architecture $ARCH is not supported by this script, aborting
  exit 1

INSTALLED="$(hugo version 2>/dev/null | cut -d'v' -f2 | cut -c 3-5)"
             | grep tag_name \
             | cut -d'.' -f2 | cut -d'"' -f1)"

echo "Hugo:  Current Version: $CUR_VERSION => New Version: $NEW_VERSION"

if [ -z "$NEW_VERSION" ]; then
  echo  Unable to retrieve new version number - Likely you have reached github anonymous limit
  echo  set environment variable `$GITHUB_USER` and `$GITHUB_TOKEN` and try again
  exit 1

if ! [ $NEW_VERSION = $CUR_VERSION ]; then

  echo "Installing version $NEW_VERSION"
  echo "This machine's architecture is $ARCH"
  echo "Downloading Tarball Linux-${ARCHES[$ARCH]}"

  pushd /tmp/ > /dev/null

  | grep "browser_download_url.*hugo_[^extended].*_Linux-${ARCHES[$ARCH]}\.tar\.gz" \
  | cut -d ":" -f 2,3 \
  | tr -d \" \
  | wget --user=-u $GITHUB_USER --password=$GITHUB_TOKEN -qi -

  TARBALL="$(find . -name "*Linux-${ARCHES[$ARCH]}.tar.gz" 2>/dev/null)"
  echo Expanding Tarball
  tar -xzf $TARBALL

  chmod +x hugo

if [ -w $BIN_DIR ]; then
  echo "Installing hugo to $BIN_DIR"
  mv hugo -f $BIN_DIR
    echo "sudo Installing hugo to $BIN_DIR"
    sudo mv -f hugo $BIN_DIR

  popd > /dev/null

  BIN_PATH="$(which hugo)"
  if [ -z "$BIN_PATH" ]; then
  printf "WARNING: Installed Hugo Binary in $BIN_DIR is not in your environment path\nPATH=$PATH\n"
  if [ "$BIN_DIR/hugo" != "$BIN_PATH" ]; then
  echo "WARNING: Just installed Hugo binary, $BIN_DIR , conflicts with existing Hugo in $BIN_PATH"
  echo "add $BIN_DIR to path and delete $BIN_PATH"
  echo "--- Confirmation ---"
  printf "New Hugo binary version in $BIN_DIR is\n $($BIN_DIR/hugo version)\n"

  echo Latest version already installed in $BIN_PATH

Just for any getting here. To be clear the ā€œimprovedā€ script not only installs hugo but will update an existing install. One script to rule all but updates on windows

Hi @dkebler, been happily using this script on Ubuntu but have been playing with Manjaro Linux recently I found the script doesnā€™t work out of the box, it canā€™t find the kernel architecture and aborts. Seems that ā€˜archā€™ command doesnā€™t work on arch based distros =D

Got it working by using uname -m instead, but not sure how portable that is. So comment out original line and use uname like so:

ARCH=$(uname -m)

@dkebler It also seems this script will replace a manually installed hugo-extended with the normal hugo.

Hereā€™s an example run (edited to remove an apostrophe that messes up syntax colouring on here):

hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.54.0-B1A82C61A/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2019-02-01T10:04:38Z

Hugo:  Current Version: 54. => New Version: 54
Installing version 54
This machines architecture is x86_64
Downloading Tarball Linux-64bit
Expanding Tarball
tar: LICENSE: Cannot open: File exists
tar: Cannot open: File exists
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
sudo Installing hugo to /usr/local/bin
[sudo] password for adrian: 
--- Confirmation ---
New Hugo binary version in /usr/local/bin is
 Hugo Static Site Generator v0.54.0-B1A82C61 linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2019-02-01T09:40:34Z

hugo version-
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.54.0-B1A82C61 linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2019-02-01T09:40:34Z

Iā€™ve updated my script and made some improvements. Will install regular hugo by default but using e one can install extended version and with c option can have both side by side i.e run hugo and hugoe

here is the gist