Hugo Website Showcase (100+ hours invested)

Hi everyone,

Link to site -

I used the Hugo Papermod theme, highly customized it over months and I have finally come to a point where I really adore my website. Would you please comment your favorite feature, idea, or shortcodes from this website below?

If you are curious how I implemented certain features, I would be more than happy to answer your questions. Please give me an unbiased feedback if possible, roasts are welcome!

Cheers and a big thanks :wink:

P.S.: Please turn on any adblocker before visiting, apologies in advance.


First off, I’ve got to say your design caught my eye! I’m by no means an expert, but I’d love to share a bit of feedback that might give a fresh perspective.

  1. Post Entries Spacing: Your posts feel like they’re holding their breath a bit. I tried adding a 1.25 rem padding, and it kind of felt like a sigh of relief?

  1. Navigation Bar Placement: I found myself expecting a ‘floating’ looking navigation bar. I tried adding some padding (margin-top and margin-inline of 1rem). Or maybe just use a plain old & simple nav bar.

  1. Dark/Light Mode Toggle: Its current placement feels a bit off. Perhaps positioning it to the left with some spacing would help?

Additionally, there seems to be a display issue with the navigation bar in Edge (both stable & canary versions) where it shifts to the left upon scrolling.

Oh, and on mobile, some categories in the nav bar are not visible.

Lastly, ever tried Figma for prototyping? It took me a loonng time to try it, and boy, do I wish I had earlier! It’s been a game-changer for me.

Hope this helps, and keep up the awesome work! Cheers! :face_holding_back_tears:

  • David
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Hey David,

Thank you for taking out the time to highlight all these details, I definitely plan to work on them and get it resolved. Your feedback is exceptionally actionable and will help me go the distance in making my site even better.

I am a backend developer but I have fiddled with Figma before, never used it professionally but now that you mention it, I might pick it up!

Once again, thank you for your attention.


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