The site I created for my bar with Hugo

Hey everyone,

I created the website for my craft beer bar under (It’s in French, sorry for that)
I’m no dev or go language expert, but I’m pretty proud of the result. :slight_smile:

My website

The blog

The repo

I still need to figure out how to improve the blog’s pagination and maybe add categories to the posts.

If you have any comments on the code or anything else, don’t hesitate to give me feedback!


Looks great congrats!

Minor bug report: the menu does not fit well on smartphones:

  • the menu covers (partially) the logo
  • I struggled to close this menu after scrolling around

Très chouette site! J’aimerais bien venir boire une bière mais j’habite Paris.

Very nice site! I would like to come and drink a beer but I live in Paris. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your response, I will check that !

@damien if you’re ever in Lille, don’t hesitate, I’ll offer you a beer!

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“I am no designer”. Maybe you should consider that in case your bar doesn’t live through. Great work! Congratulations!


Thanks ! I’m not a dev but I like to play with figma for few years now and make some web design on my free time :slight_smile: