How to show full post on homepage with theme Hyde?

Hi there,

I am using theme Hyde created by @spf13, it’s an awesome work however I prefer to show the full article of each post on home page instead of summary, is there a way to set this on configuration.toml? I do not want to change any code of the theme.

Thank you.

Short answer: no.

Longer answer: Check the code of the home page template of this theme. You’ll see that it outputs the summary unconditionally. So you’ll have to override that with your own home page template.

Totally unrelated: What is the point of having “each post” be displayed in full on the home page? Would you even need separate pages for the posts then?

Thanks for your clear answer very much.

The short answer of “the point” is : freedom, that’s the charm of it. The real answer is “summary” looks weird in our language besides only two posts available now on website, “full” can make it more attractive.