I’ve been feeling that my static blog was missing some recommended articles for a while, so I decided to implement a little thing that would tackle such issue.
I documented the process here with some explanation: Article recommendation using Hugo.
Do you have a better way of doing that?
The tl;dr
is the following:
// grab the current article
{{ $currentArticle := . }}
// grab my blog posts (https://ops.tips/blog)
{{ $blogArticles := where (where $.Site.Pages ".Section" "eq" "blog") ".Kind" "eq" "page" }}
// grab my "gists" posts (https://ops.tips/gists)
{{ $gists := where (where $.Site.Pages ".Section" "eq" "gists") ".Kind" "eq" "page" }}
// put them altogether w/out the current one
{{ $articles := where ($blogArticles | append $gists) ".Permalink" "!=" $currentArticle.Permalink }}
// create two bags so we can give priority
// to some article
{{ $veryRelevantArticles := slice }}
{{ $relevantArticles := slice }}
// put articles in the bags according to the
// intersections in their tags
{{ range $idx, $article := $articles }}
{{ $numberOfIntersections := len (intersect $article.Params.tags $currentArticle.Params.Tags) }}
{{ if (ge $numberOfIntersections 2) }}
{{ $veryRelevantArticles = $veryRelevantArticles | append $article }}
{{ else if (eq $numberOfIntersections 1) }}
{{ $relevantArticles = $relevantArticles | append $article }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
// put everything in a list
{{ $recommendedArticles := slice }}
{{ range $veryRelevantArticles }} {{ $recommendedArticles = $recommendedArticles | append . }} {{ end }}
{{ range $relevantArticles }} {{ $recommendedArticles = $recommendedArticles | append . }} {{ end }}
// display
{{ range (shuffle (first 5 $recommendedArticles)) }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">
{{ .Title }}
{{ end }}