Cite the blog post

Anyone know of a short code or method to allow for Hugo to generate a citation for a blog post, for example, it would use data from the YAML or something and generate a citation so others could cite the blog post?

Hi @zad, we need more info in order to help you. What format would the citation be in? What does the YAML look like that it would created from? Give a concrete example if you can.

Hi, preferably the YAML would contain basic info such as a Title, Author, Date, URL and something like the APA format would be created?

Ex: Lastname, Firstname (year, month, day). Title. URL

This seems doable from a shortcode (as long as all that YAML data is populated in front matter).

Thanks, that gives me some hope. Any ideas on how to go about it? Still struggling a bit with shortcodes unfortunately

Give an actual example with output, please. Currently, I don’t understand if you want a shortcode to reference a different post, or to generate a reference at the place of the shortcode for the post it is published in. What do it look like when it renders as a page?

to generate a reference at the place of the shortcode for the post it is published in.

Yup, this is exactly it. A shortcode would be inserted, and in its place, a citation produced for that post.

any suggestions @zwbetz?

I’m not at my laptop now, but once I am I’ll see what I can do.

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Using blog post APA format:

Given this front matter, and this shortcode usage:

title: "Some Blog Title"
date: 2019-06-01T21:47:03-05:00

{{< cite last_name="Smith" first_name_initial="J" >}}

And this shortcode definition:

{{ $last_name := .Get "last_name" }}
{{ $first_name_initial := .Get "first_name_initial" }}
{{ $date_format := "2006, Jan 2" }}
{{ $publish_date := .Page.PublishDate.Format $date_format }}
{{ $title := .Page.Title }}
{{ $retrieve_date := now.Format $date_format }}
{{ $permalink := .Page.Permalink }}

  {{ printf "%s, %s. (%s). %s. Retrieved %s, from %s" $last_name $first_name_initial $publish_date $title $retrieve_date $permalink }}

It will output:

  Smith, J. (2019, Jun 1). Some Blog Title. Retrieved 2019, Jun 14, from

@zwbetz put that together for ya, and it will work. But I want to suggest a different way: rather than a shortcode, incorporate @zwbetz’s example into a partial template and have it add to the page based on a front matter parameter. Ultimately, less typing.


Wow! Thanks so much! I’ll give this a try and report back!

@maiki, I’ll also give that a try and see how it goes

Here’s what I ended up using.

The markdown file has this front matter:

title: "Generic Title"
  first_name: Zad
  first_name_initial: Z
  middle_name_initial: R
  last_name: Chow
date: '2018-04-03'

With the partial file having these contents

{{ $last_name := .Param "author.last_name" }}
{{ $first_name := .Param "author.first_name" }}
{{ $first_name_initial := .Param "author.first_name_initial" }}
{{ $middle_name_initial := .Param "author.middle_name_initial" }}
{{ $APAdate_format := "2006, Jan 2" }}
{{ $APApublish_date := .Page.PublishDate.Format $APAdate_format }}
{{ $AMAdate_format := "January 2, 2006" }}
{{ $AMApublish_date := .Page.PublishDate.Format $AMAdate_format }}
{{ $MLAdate_format := " 2 Jan. 2006" }}
{{ $MLApublish_date := .Page.PublishDate.Format $MLAdate_format }}
{{ $title := .Page.Title }}
{{ $permalink := .Page.Permalink }}

 <b>APA:</b> {{ printf "%s,  %s. %s. (%s). %s. Retrieved from %s." $last_name $first_name_initial $middle_name_initial $APApublish_date $title $permalink }}

 <b>AMA:</b> {{ printf "%s,  %s%s. %s. Less Likely. %s. Published %s." $last_name $first_name_initial $middle_name_initial $title $permalink $AMApublish_date }}

 <b>MLA:</b> {{ printf "%s,  %s. %s. %s. Less Likely. %s. %s." $last_name $first_name $middle_name_initial $title $permalink $MLApublish_date }}      

and the end product (mine is formatted to come out with a pop-up box):


Thanks again @zwbetz & @maiki!

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Thank You for posting a summary!