I intend to allow people to configure my theme by inserting their own emoji into their config.toml to replace my default “construction” emoji favicon. (That way people who can’t be bothered with graphics can still have a favicon.) This will work for modern Chrome and Firefox.
Unfortunately, some browsers don’t support SVG favicons (cmon, Safari). To those browsers I want to serve a simple 16x16 PNG favicon. I would like to use Hugo Pipes to produce that PNG from a given emoji, perhaps using the SVG that I’m already generating. Is this possible?
Putting faviconText = "🚧" in the params in config.toml will then cause the construction sign emoji to be displayed as your favicon in Chrome and Firefox. (Sorry I don’t have a version of this site online yet for a live demo, I’ll work on that.)
I have also not been able to think of a way to do this for a PNG favicon, but I’m still a little disappointed in your one-word answer I saw a thread discussing tracing SVGs from raster images, am I crazy to think it might also be possible to go the other direction, making raster images from SVG?
If it is indeed impossible, are there any plausible features under consideration that could make it possible in the future?