Hugo pipes have treated me well. Where would low quality image placeholder (LQIP) libraries fit in?
I’ve been able in the past to use Hugo pipes to export a low resolution placeholder and inline it as base64, but there are some cool libraries surfacing that make a much cooler spectacle of it.
There is a really popular library potrace (141,385 weekly downloads) that generates svgs from images. The following examples are svgs drawn by hand, potrace’s svgs are even better, but nonetheless it demonstrates the resulting effect.
And sqip does cool LQIPs (2,600 GitHub stars).
Both libraries are available as npm packages, so creating a custom per-project implementation beside Hugo wouldn’t be terribly difficult. Though, if Hugo could provide direct support for these sorts of libraries that are gaining more and more attention, maybe through a pipe like with postcss, it would make developing great sites even easier.
I am not sure where to start with this sort of possible integration with Hugo, which is why I am posting about it for some guidance.