Adding favicon to hugo-theme-shell theme

Hi i’m trying to add a favicon to my website im using hugo-theme-shell and i’ve tried putting it in any static or image related folder that i’ve found, it works locally but when i deploy it on cloudflare pages the favicon doesn’t load

these are the directories i’ve placed the favicon in

i’ve also tried adding it to head.html file in
with the following syntax

    <link rel="favicon" href="favicon.ico">

(yes i’ve placed favicon in the same directory as well)
and still couldn’t get anywhere. sorry for the messy file management im very new to this

Unless using mounts, only static files in static folder could be rendered using your code
<link rel="favicon" href="favicon.ico">
So this should work. Your repo can provide more information on the issue.

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yup that worked, thanks fam

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