Content pages are visible in local environment, but are not visible on production

Hi All,

I have been using Hugo for my personal blog from the past 4 months now.

I have added a good number of blog pages in the past.
But, now, when I am trying to add a new page, it is not reflecting in the site.

So, I started to test if there was any issue and added a ‘testing’ folder in my content/post folder.
The testing page is visible in my local environment (local server) but when I deploy it using Firebase, it is not visible.

My github repository: GitHub - harisharjun/arjunuvacha: Arjun Uvacha Personal website
My testing site:

I am really lost, why the content is not reflecting in my testing site. I see that the newly added content is not added to the public/index.html file. All other pages are visible, but the newly added testing page is not visible. Do not know what the issue is.

Please help.


Guys, got it resovled.

I was not running the ‘hugo’ command, before deploying it using Firebase.
I ran the hugo command, and the files got added to the public/index.html file and I can see them live now! Phew!

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