I noticed I have some md files with incorrect character encodings, so changed them to UTF-8 and hugo didn’t like it. Just to double check I changed the encoding of config.toml to UTF-8 and hugo couldn’t parse it.
I am running on windows and when I create a new site (hugo.exe new site mysite) everything defaults to ANSI. Am I missing something?
That got me going. I set up the project on a network share which could be accessed from my windows machine and a mac. Then I used a different editor (Sublime), as opposed to Visual Studio and notepad. The UTF-8 files created by Hugo worked fine in both environments. The issue was the UTF-8 encoding used by notepad and Visual Studio was UTF-8 with BOM, and that is what was causing the error:
ERROR: 2015/06/15 Error parsing config: Near line 0 (last key parsed ‘’): Bare keys cannot contain ‘\ufeff’.
The encoding I needed in Visual Studio was Unicode (UTF-8 without signature) - Codepage 65001