PS C:\Hugo\quickstart> hugo new posts/
Error: “C:\Hugo\quickstart\config.toml:1:1”: unmarshal failed: Near line 0 (last key parsed ‘’): bare keys cannot contain ‘�’
My config.toml file using notepad had lots of Chinese characters in it, so I changed to the following:
‘theme = “ananke”’ and saved but the error still persists
The echo command worked OK so I suspects that Hugo might be written using a non standard character set??
Ok, after much head scratching, I opened it in notepad and went to save as, and it was in UTF16 LE, so I saved the file as UTF8
Now in VS code, it is all in Chinese characters??? So what is happening?
I am now able even though my theme declaration in my config.toml file is now in Chinese to run:
hugo new posts/ and it creates the content
Could have something to do with VS code but I dont think so as when I tried to echo this info in english to the config.toml it still failed. Its a bug in Hugo
I hope this helps anyone else who has this issue
However my config.toml looks like this, so will be a problem