Changing page elements for certain content?

I am working with the Terminal theme which has a cover image that is displayed on both the homepage and within the article itself.

I am adding some Youtube videos to posts and grabbing the video thumbnail for the post cover image. It shows up fine on the homepage and on the single post page, but it seems kind of silly to display the video thumbnail on both the homepage and again when clicking into the post.

Am I better off creating a new content type called video and removing the cover image from the video template? Then I could find a way to display both video and post type content on the homepage. I want the postcontent type to have the cover image displayed in the post itself, but I don’t want the youtube videos to do so (since it uses the template as the frame for the video itself).

Is the above my best approach or is there a better way to do this? Just want to be sure before I proceed down a path.

It would be the simplest approach, which is arguably the best approach.