Certain posts not showing on homepage Papermod

Hey there,
I have recently gotten around to get my hugo up and running. I am now stumped at the following issue:
I have two “categories” (folders in content) of posts. “Info” and “Blenders”.
Only those, which are “Blenders” get shown on my homepage. The posts in “Info” and even those at “content root” aren’t shown. Does anyone know where the issue could be?

I am using the “Papermod” theme and I have copied the files I am using to GitHub - UraniumDonut/donutcf. The Website is hosted on http://donut.cf

Looking forward to your answers!

Info is at here

I think you need to understand these things first:

Thanks for the pointers. Despite multiple hours of googling I wasn’t able to find these pages

Dear Carson,
thank you for replying to @UraniumDonut.
I ma struggling with the same issue, so was happy to find your post, but unfortunately the link after Info is at here is no longer valid:(.

I am not able to connect the information in the docs to my case. Its like getting the four Maxwell equations written on a paper and then being asked to fix a washing machine.

Can you please give me a more verbose direction?

Thanks a lot
Vladimir Vinarsky
The Curious Mechanobiologist

Without seeing your code that might be difficult. Instead of hijacking a four-year-old thread, you should open a new one, include a link to your repository and describe the problem(s) you have.

For others in the future,
who find this thread:

It’s in FAQ of PaperMod!

As of now (August 2024) this problem is addressed in FAQs of papermod link here.

I copy the current info here, so you do not have to click further:

Posts from only one folder/section visible on home page
That is because PaperMod uses mainsections from Hugo. Read more: collections.Where | Hugo

If you have not set this config parameter in site config, it will default to the section with the most pages. You can customize it with:

   - blog
   - docs


To see it in real life, here is a screenshot of my hobby page (link here):

Only posts from Travel and Biology appear on the homepage


Here are the relevant parts of the config.yaml file:

# In your config.yaml file
   mainSections:       # define sections which posts appear on home page 
     - travel          # posts will appear on homepage
     - biology         # posts will appear on homepage
#   - command_line     # posts will not appear on homepage
    - identifier: travel           # this corresponds to the relevant mainSection 
      name: Travel
      url: "/travel/"
      weight: 1
    - identifier: picos-de-europa # subsection of travel section (posts for one of the trips) 
      name: "Picos de Europa"
      url: "/travel/picos-de-europa/"
      parent: "travel"         # being a child of "travel" will inherit the mainSection
      weight: 2
    - identifier: "command_line"  # commented out in mainSection, posts will not appear
      name: "Command line"
      url: "/command_line/"
      weight: 3
    - identifier: biology      # this corresponds to the relevant mainSection
      name: Biology
      url: "/biology/"
      weight: 4


  • I use the identifier in the menu items to define mainSections. The benefit is that it is unique and gives you the ability to have the same name for more menu icons.
  • Including items in mainSections also influences the ShowPostNavLinks feature. If the mainSections are not set will default to displaying it on posts within sections with highest number of posts
  • My website is developing and it may happen that it will change. If so I will re-edit the post.
  • In case there is some major mistake/improvement possible, please let me know

Have a great day everyone
The Curious Mechanobiologist