Blogwind - another Tailwind CSS theme for Hugo

I decided to make the theme behind my personal blog public. It is called blogwind and it is using TailwindCSS.

It is based on bep’s hugo-starter-tailwind-basic and the theme Blonde.

It has still many rough edges and probably no exciting features, but maybe it is still useful for somebody.

There might be only one notable thing: Basic support for the tracking pixel of the VG Wort (that’s the German collecting society for textual works) is build in.

You can get blogwind on GitHub:

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Looks like a nice Blonde variant. Article headings should get a bit more vertical space, I think…


I like it, it looks science-y. I would call it Sciencewind though. I think there is a certain science-y thinking behind that layout that I often saw back when at University (university of applied science). It’s a no-nonsense-approach to “just get the details over”. Big fan of that. We scientists and technocrats don’t need whitespace.

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Thank you for the feedback! :slight_smile:

I will think about more vertical space for headings, I am always torn between liking whitespace on pages and finding it annoying if it’s too much.

Do you want your readers to have a decent reading experience? If yes, then pick a random book from your shelf, open it anywhere and flip the pages until you find some content that has a heading. Have a look at that beautiful vertical space!

Then add some to your theme already :smiley:

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Hmm, okay, okay, I might think about it. :wink: