Adjacent page not created in leaf bundle

Hi all.

Not sure what’s wrong with my website, but for some reason one of my .md files is not rendered as an .html page at all.

Here’s my folder structure:

  |-- projects
         |-- project 1
         |     |--
         |     |--

My projects page correctly shows a list page, right now with just one Project 1 on the list.

If I click on Project 1, the page for Project 1 is correctly rendered at /projects/project1/.

From the Project 1 page, I have a markdown link that looks like this: [Privacy Policy](privacy-policy), as I understand the privacy policy page html should be rendered at /projects/project1/privacy-policy/.

However, when I click that link I get a 404 page. I have also checked my public folder and I can see no trace of the privacy-policy page anywhere in the HTML files.

The at the root of the /projects folder has no content other than the title variable set in the front matter. Both the and the files inside /project1 are normal pages with no relevant stuff in the frontmatter. Tried setting their layout to single or just removing the layout variable, but it made no difference.

Is there anything wrong with this taxonomy? Or is this correct and I can assume the issues are coming from my theme?

Check out the documentation re page bundles. Your MD file can only be accessed as a page resource because it resides in a leaf bundle, it will not be automagically converted to HTML. So, it’s not available, as you have noticed already.

I had looked through it, but I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

According to this doc page, my site has the same structure as the “leaf bundle” example, which includes some folders containing an alongside a few more .md files that I assume are available as pages in that same directory. E.g.: and inside /my-post/.

What would I need to chance to make my page accessible under projects/project1/privacy-policy/?

I’m sorry if this is obvious, but I’ve been looking for a while and I can’t see what I’m missing :sweat_smile:

Perhaps this recent post helps:

Thanks, I can see the issue although there’s no “clean” solution apparently.

Ultimately, what I did was move the file to the root of my content directory, so it does get published. I tried to move it just one level up to the /projects/ folder, but then it shows as a project in the projects lists which is not what I want.

Once it’s at the root of /content/, I set its url parameter in the frontmatter to the location where I actually want it published:

url: /projects/project1/privacy-policy/

Very ugly from a site organization perspective, but it works.

Thanks for your help!


Why don’t you just rename projects/project-1/ to projects/project-1/

That’s the first thing I tried.

But for some reason, when I do that my Projects page (at /content/projects/) shows up empy. No projects, just the title of the page with no content under it.

Furthermore, if I try to browse manually to /content/projects/project1/ it no longer shows the contents of /content/projects/project1/ Instead, it shows a list, with the privacy-policy page as the only item in that list.

Not sure if my theme is now broken due to past customizations.