[Academic Theme]: Changing the name of publication_types

In the Hugo Academic theme there is an option to assign each of your publications a publication type by filling out the field publication_type in the index.md of the respective publication, for example:

# Publication type.
# Legend: 0 = Uncategorized; 1 = Conference paper; 2 = Journal article;
# 3 = Preprint / Working Paper; 4 = Report; 5 = Book; 6 = Book section;
# 7 = Thesis; 8 = Patent
publication_types: ["8"]

I would like to add the publication type “Workshop”. How would I go about this? I identified the file wowchemy_cms_tpl.yaml to contain potentially relevant lines:

          - { label: "Uncategorized", value: "0" }
          - { label: "Conference paper", value: "1" }
          - { label: "Journal article", value: "2" }
          - { label: "Preprint / Working Paper", value: "3" }
          - { label: "Report", value: "4" }
          - { label: "Book", value: "5" }
          - { label: "Book section", value: "6" }
          - { label: "Thesis", value: "7" }
          - { label: "Patent", value: "8" }

I tried to copy that filed into my layouts/partials folder and to rename “Patent” to “Workshop”. However, the side did not compile anymore as it said that the variable “slug” was not defined.

Any ideas how I can manage to create the “workshop” tag?

Thank you in advance!

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