Academic theme: How to translate authors taxonomy?

I recently discovered Hugo and Academic.
I am happy I have found them.

Academic seems a great theme that you can customize to your needs.

I am trying to adapt it to spanish language.

I would like to have tags, categories and authors to spanish.

I have done with tags and categories ande there seems to be no drawback.

But when I try to translate authors taxonomy there are problems with other widgets as about.

I would be able to have urls like instead of /authors and display Autores in the list page of authors instead of Authors.

Using autores: instead of authors: in the frontmatter would be great too, but not all that important.

I have read Hugo documentation and tryied this in config.toml:

autor = "/autores/:slug"
etiqueta= "/etiquetas/:slug"
categoria= "/categorias/:slug"

# Taxonomies
  etiqueta = "etiquetas"
  categoria = "categorias"
  publication_type = "publication_types"
  autor= "autores"

    name = "autores"
    weight = 20.0

I have renamed the authors directory to autores.

But it does not work.
I can see the list of “autores” and navigate them.

But if I activate the about widget, it complains about not finding the /author/autoname page.

May be there are other problems with other widgets that I have not discovered yet.

The same applies to tags which I want to rename to “etiquetas”.
It seems to work, but I am afraid of having problems with other widgets of future upgrades that expect the tag taxonomy been named tag (with hardcoded name in the templates).

How should I deal with translation of taxonomies under Academic theme?

Anyone? I have that same issue: I want to rename taxonomy /authors/username to /whatever/username

How to do this?

Move this over here or here please :wink:.

Spoiler: I’m one of the moderators of the Wowchemy Discord server.

If you don’t mind me asking, how is your response a solution to OP’s problem?

I marked the above answer as a solution since it points the OP to the dedicated Discord server that provides support for that specific theme.

Theme questions should first be addressed to theme authors or to the relevant theme support channels.

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My question was global, not theme related.

Some Workaround: author front matter → url: /whatever/username

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